EPMA PM Thesis Competition 2025
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Diploma/Masters category
- Cash prize: €500
- Complimentary registration to the Euro PM2024 Congress and Exhibition
- 3-minute presentation of the winning thesis during the opening plenary session
Mr Alessandro De Nardi – 2024 winner in the Master Category for the paper « Development of CoNi-based High Entropy Superalloys »
Photo © Andrew McLeish Euro PM2024

Doctorate/PhD Category
- Cash prize: €1000
- Complimentary registration to the Euro PM2024 Congress and Exhibition
- 3-minute presentation of the winning thesis during the opening plenary session
Dr Bruno Guimarães – 2024 winner in the Doctorate / PhD Category for the paper « Multi-Functional WC-Co cutting tool – a Multi-Material Engineering Design »
Photo © Andrew McLeish Euro PM2024
ORganised by EPMA
Sponsored by HILTI
The European Powder Metallurgy Association has organized a Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition, at both Masters and Doctorate levels, every two years since 1994, and annually since 2016.
This year, the thesis competition is sponsored by HILTI.

The aim of the competition is to develop interest in and to promote powder metallurgy among young scientists at European academic institutions and to encourage research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
This competition is open to all graduates of a European University whose theses have been officially accepted or approved by the applicant’s teaching establishment during the previous three years.
Theses, which must be classified under the topic of Powder Metallurgy, are judged by an international panel of PM experts, drawn from both academia and industry.
Winners are awarded the following:
Required documentation
- A copy of the thesis. (For PhD categories, only Thesis in English will be accepted – Original language for Master categorie can be accepted)
- A letter of agreement from the supervisor of the thesis
- A copy of the Diploma awarded by the applicant’s teaching establishment
- An extended abstract of the thesis, in English, up to a maximum of 7 pages for the Diploma/Masters and up to a maximum of 10 pages for the Doctorate/PhD categories, to include:
- Title, affiliation, supervisor, category (Diploma or Doctorate)
- Introduction including objectives and a brief state of the art
- Results and discussion including industrial and scientific interest
- Conclusions
- Relevant diagrams, illustrations, photographs
- References
These documents should be pdf files (maximum 10Mb file size). They can be included via the submission form, or emailed after completing the submission form to Sabine Hazoumé at thesiscompetition@epma.com.
Judging Criteria

Höganäs Distaloy® AE – etched microstructure of sintered Distaloy AE + 0.5% C
Rules for the 2025 EPMA PM Thesis Competition
Rules for the 2025 EPMA Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition
In order to be accepted:
- The subject of the thesis must be capable of being classified under the topic Powder Metallurgy
- The thesis must have been officially accepted or approved by the applicant’s teaching establishment during the 2022/2023, 2023/2024 or 2024/2025 academic years
- Applicants must be graduates of an European university
- Application can only be submitted once and not for consecutive years.
- All required documents must be submitted on or before 23 April 2025 to be considered.
Please note, if theses of insufficient high standard are submitted, the judges reserve the right to not award a prize in either or both categories.